Some customers who have signed up for our mailing list complain that they are annoyed by receiving emails from us (newsletters, weekly hot items, promotional offers, and unpaid order reminders) and no longer want to receive them. It’s sometimes because they have found a solution or don’t want to receive so many messages from us anymore.
To unsubscribe from our mailing list, please follow the steps below.
Our recommendation is that you do not simply flag messages from our mailing lists as spam just because you no longer want to see them. In order to stop receiving unwanted emails permanently, you need to unsubscribe from the list(s) concerned.
The subject or content of the email should contain “remove”.
Please write : remove + your email address if you have 2 or more email addresses on our list and you do not wish to receive such emails at one or some of them
If you would like to unsubscribe immediately, you can use skype, icq or another live chat method to contact our customer manager.
You can send an email to if you are still having trouble after following these steps. We will assist you as soon as possible.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused by your cooperation.